Once the application has been submitted and approved you will be notified to appear before the Clerk of the Circuit Court at the 6095 Marshalee Drive Suite 120. Renew as a Maryland Notary Public.
Maryland Notary Public Application Form Download Fillable Pdf Templateroller
Update Your Notary Information Online searches available.

State of maryland notary public renewal. Current notaries who update their name and opt to be re-sworn in for a new commission will be charged a non-refundable 5 application. How to Renew Your Notary Commission At the completion of the term of each notary commission you may renew your commission. Search the Notary Public database.
Some states require first-time Notary applicants to go through a training course andor pass a test. NEW __ RENEWAL __ To apply for your Maryland notary public commission complete and return this application to the above address along with a copy of your drivers license or valid government issued photo ID verifying your address and a non-refundable 2000 fee by check or money order made payable to the Secretary of State. How do I apply to become a Notary Public.
Check Status of a Submitted Application. Applications for Notary Public Commission can be obtained from the Secretary of State in Annapolis Maryland or you may download the application at the Secretary of States web site. Applications to become a Notary Public in the State of Maryland can be obtained from the Clerk of the Circuit Court or by visiting the Maryland Secretary of States website.
Information about the duties of a Maryland Notary Public. Individuals who use the new. January 7 2016 The Maryland Secretary of State has launched the Notary Public Online Application and Renewal Service that allows citizens to quickly and easily apply for a notary public commission check their application status renew existing commissions and update their information.
Complete your renewal application online. Notary Public Online Application and Renewal Service Now Available Apply for a New Notary Commission. If you search for a notary and are unable to locate that person as being currently commissioned it may be that their commission has been automatically extended because of the State of Emergency.
Remember effective October 1 2021 the Maryland Notary Public Course of Study and Examination will be mandatory. Once the application has been submitted and approved you will be notified to appear before the Clerk of the Circuit Court to take the oath of office and receive your Notary. In the case of a Notary Public wanting to renew their status after their term has already ended in the State of Maryland the Maryland Notary Public Renewal Form has to be completed and submitted along with a 20 filing fee.
Renew Your Notary Commission. State requirements and step-by-step instructions on the Maryland Notary renewal process. Maryland Notary Public Renewal Form.
All information requested on the top portion of your application and sign in the presence of a notary public. 2500 Notary Public Application and Renewal Instructions. There is a 900 fee to file a new Notary application which is non-refundable even if the application is denied by the Secretary of State.
ApplicationRenewal for Notary Public STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE T HE H ONORABLE M ARK H AMMOND Filing Fee. Please note that taking the class and test is not the same as applying for or renewing a notary commission. You can renew your notary commission 60 days before your current notary commission expires eg.
To receive an application via mail contact the Clerks office at 301-600-1965. To search the database enter as much information as you like. It is important that you submit your application for renewal online and within the timeframe in your notice of renewal.
In most states the renewal process is the same as it is for your first commission. Prior to applying to be commissioned as a Notary Public in the State of Maryland you should understand the duties and responsibilities of notaries public and how to properly perform notarial. A typical grace period might last up to a year.
Search the Notary database to find information on the notary public. Applications for Notary Public Commission can be obtained from the Secretary of State in Annapolis Maryland or you may download the application at the Secretary of States web site wwwsosstatemdus. Notary Public Online Application and Renewal Service Now Available Duties Responsibilities.
In some of those states you might have to attend training and pass a test if you wait too long to renew. Click Apply Now below to take the class and test. You should submit your application for renewal online at httpswwwegovmarylandgovsosnotaryhome.
Applications for Notary Public Commission can be obtained from the Secretary of State in Annapolis Maryland or you may download the application at the Secretary of States Website - wwwsosstatemdus. The information may be. You are sworn in and you have received your commission you are an official Notary Public for the State of Maryland.